
The last few months have been a busy time for casework. The Trust’s Architectural Adviser has been involved with applications for alterations to a number of important buildings, houses and memorials. These include 7, St. James’s Square (the application includes the rebuilding of properties in Appletree Yard, where Lutyens’s Delhi office was located); St. Martin’s Church, Knebworth; the former Midland Bank, Manchester; and 120, Moorgate, which adjoins Britannic House, Finsbury Circus.

The memorials include the Norwich War Memorial, for which the refurbishment and resiting scheme has now been completed; and the Manchester Cenotaph, referred to earlier in this newsletter. In this case, the Trust understands that, to make way for a new tramway, the memorial may have to be relocated but considers that the Council’s present proposals for relocation would relegate the Cenotaph to a subsidiary and meaningless position. A coordinated approach is being taken to finding a more suitable solution.

The Trust has also been consulted in relation three important private houses, where alterations are proposed or conservation work is under way.