Places Where One Can Stay in a Lutyens Building
Hotels, Guesthouses and Holiday Lets. Please mention the Trust’s website when booking.
Lutyens Houses & Gardens Open to the Public
A county-by-county guide to properties that you can visit. Some properties in Ireland, France and India are also included.
Gertrude Jekyll Garden Openings
Gardens connected with Gertrude Jekyll that you can visit.
London Interiors That Can Be Visited
An area-by-area guide to where Lutyens interiors can be viewed in the course of business, by arrangement or for a entrance fee.
London Exteriors Where Lutyens Work Can Be Seen
An area-by-area guide to where Lutyens exteriors can be viewed from public areas.
To Plan a Tour of Lutyens Buildings
An area-by-area guide to planning tours of Lutyens buildings in Britain and abroad.