Contact Us

The Lutyens Trust is an educational charity (Registered Charity No. 326776) which acts as a source of information and help on the care and maintenance of the works of Sir Edwin Lutyens O.M., K.C.I.E., P.R.A., who died on New Year’s Day 1944.

Our aims and objectives include:

The promotion of research and publications

To offer technical advice to owners of buildings etc.

To offer an advisory service on the authentication of designs

To arrange visits, lectures, meetings and exhibitions

If you are in sympathy with what we are trying to do, we would welcome you as a member for the annual subscription of £35, or £40 for a joint membership; our year begins 29th March, Sir Edwin Lutyens’s birthday. You will be kept in touch with our activities via our regular newsletter.

Donations to continue and expand our work are also warmly received.

For membership enquiries please e-mail

For general and website enquiries please e-mail

Postal enquiries can be sent to The Lutyens Trust, Goddards, Abinger Common, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6JH.

Our office landline is +44 (0)1306 730487. This is unmanned but has a voicemail service which is checked weekly. You will receive a quicker response via email.

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