The Lutyens Trust, through its architectural advisers Russell Morris and Stuart Martin, are reviewing the following development applications:
CASEWORK: as at 9 February 2024
East Lodge, Gledstone Hall, Skipton
Terrace: We were alerted to the recent unlawful installation of paving and low terrace walling at one of the pair of lodges fronting Gledstone Hall. North Yorks Council intervened but the owners submitted a retrospective planning application for retention of the development. Permission was refused and an appeal was lodged with the Planning Inspectorate. The appeal was firmly rejected.
Garden Room: Whilst researching the above, I noted that a planning application had been submitted last August, for a detached garden room/home office to the rear of the same lodge. The application does not yet appear to have been determined. The proposal is, in essence, a flat roofed box clad in composite grey planks and with solar panels on the roof. It would be largely concealed by tall garden walls from the main approach to Gledstone Hall, but may be glimpsed in views from the Hall and in the wider backstage setting. Historic England and the Council’s own heritage consultant have raised concerns, including the risk of the structure being constructed slightly taller and becoming visible above the existing screen wall.
We have requested further information on the current status of the application and raised a provisional objection endorsing the views of Historic England and the Council’s heritage consultant.
Reference: North Yorks Council (Skipton area): ZA23/25276/HH
Status: Pending
Tomb of Viscount Milner, Salehurst, East Sussex.
The tomb is listed grade II but enjoys Ecclesiastical Exemption from listed building control by the local planning authority (Rother District Council). The listed building authority is, in effect, the Diocese of Chichester to whom the applicant must apply for a faculty.
It is proposed to add an extra inscription to commemorate a family member. In itself this would not be objectionable, but the proposal included refacing and re-carving the existing lettering on a stone panel. The Diocesan Advisory Committee (DAC) had supported the proposal. Peter Payne has inspected and photographed on behalf of the LT and David Pittaway and Stuart Martin raised formal concerns with the Diocese. The Church Buildings Council also raised concerns. As a result, the applicant family has agreed to carve the additional inscription on an existing blank panel.
Reference: Diocese of Chichester: Faculty number 1636
Status: Satisfactory revision to the proposal.
The Clockhouse, Great Maytham, Kent TN17 4NE
A potential purchaser (and LT member) has raised concerns about proposals to erect a modern automatic barrier adjacent to The Clockhouse. (we assume this to be the gatehouse to Gt Maytham).
Such a development within the curtilage of a listed building would need planning permission. (Listed building consent would not be required unless attached to a listed building.) I have checked the Ashford Borough Council planning register and can find no current permission or application.
We need to discover the root source of the information and know more about what is proposed. However, it seems to be a development to which we would be likely to raise objection.
UPDATES and recent approvals
Forest House, Hartfield, East Sussex
Proposal to extend existing sand school from 40 to 60m length. It will be surrounded by a traditional rural post an rail fence. It is 70m, and largely concealed by vegetation, from the house and will not be prominent in any important views.
Reference: Wealden District Council WD/2023/2111/F
Status: Approved 6 December 2023
Replace existing group of stable buildings with new U-shaped stable block. The stables are stated to be of shiplap boarding above a brick plinth. The roof will be of tiles to match those of the house. The present collection of buildings is unattractive and their replacement, though larger, may be considered an improvement. The site is separated from Forest House by a belt of trees and will not be prominent in any important views.
Reference: Wealden District Council WD/2023/2316/F
Status: Approved 30 November 2023
Both the above proposed developments are discreetly located and would have minimal effect on the setting of Forest House or on its outward views. We did not consider any representations necessary.
Millmead, Bramley: Recently sold. A listed building application has been submitted. This concerns mainly repair, and upgrading bathrooms, removal of modern parquet floor, demolition of modern attached garage and a new kitchen window. The proposals are generally welcome but the new kitchen window is shown to be 24mm sealed unit double glazing with stuck-on lead strips. We doubt whether double glazing of just this one window would contribute much to energy conservation. It might, though, be a precedent for upgrading all other windows in this or other Waverley houses. Secondary glazing, which is readily reversible, would be acceptable. Comments have been submitted to Waverley.
Reference: Waverley Borough Council WA/2023/00290
Status: Granted 25 January 2024
TO WATCH: The following buildings are, or were recently, for sale and may generate future proposals:
Munstead Wood: Now purchased by National Trust. The house is grade I listed with a registered grade l garden. We will watch for any listed building applications (and for any planning permission for change of use).
Munstead Wood Hut: currently for sale for £1.2 million. Monitor for future listed building consent/planning applications.
Fig Tree Court, Crooksbury: Fig Tree Court is the 1898 wing added by Lutyens to his first major country house. He was called back again in 1914 to remodel the garden front. Crooksbury is now divided into two, with a third dwelling formed in the 1910 stables. The Lutyens Trust did provide information to one potential purchaser, without yet any outcome.
Monitor for future listed building consent/planning applications.
Forest House, Hartfield, East Sussex: See recent proposal for curtilage development. We will continue to monitor the Wealden Council website for any other proposals from new owners.
OTHER sites to watch
Berrydown Farm: Watch for any resubmission of slurry pit near Berrydown Court, Overton (Basingstoke and Deane).
Marvells, Five Ashes, East Sussex: Enquiry from a design company commissioned to work on this house. The house has suffered some intrusive alteration in the past, and the present proposal would further compromise the significance of Lutyens’s work. We proposed an alternative approach, which the designers were to present to their clients. No response yet received. No listed building/planning application has been submitted, but we will continue to monitor the Wealden Council website.