The Vann © Tim Brittain Catlin

The Trust’s Multifaceted Lecture Series Explores Edwardian Britain – the Context in which Edwin Lutyens was Working

By Robbie Kerr

Running in parallel with The Lutyens Trust America’s programme of webinars, The Lutyens Trust’s Events committee has organised a series of lectures shedding light on different aspects of Edwardian Britain – the context in which Edwin Lutyens was designing some of his best-known houses. These were given by prominent authorities in their various fields.

The series began with Timothy Brittain-Catlin talking on architecture and Edwardian houses, providing a wonderful cultural backdrop to place Lutyens’s work in. Then came Lawrence Napper’s fascinating exploration of cinema at the beginning of the 20th century. Jane Ridley spoke wonderfully on the social and political context during this eventful period and how this influenced Lutyens’s output. Finally, Michael Balston brought the series to a close with an extraordinary insight into landscape design and its influences at the start of the century and into those working in this field.

The series, which has been recorded and can be seen online, has been well-received with up to 95 people attending some lectures. You can watch them again here:

Please keep an eye out for a series on memorials later in the year and, Covid rules permitting, we hope to organise a number of walking tours, too, before resuming the Trust’s normal Events programme when Covid is finally over.