The Lutyens Trust Christmas Lunch
Saturday 1st December 2007
The annual Christmas Lunch took place at the Grosvenor House Hotel attended by a record 60 Trust members. Following an excellent meal there was an interesting short film about Sir Edwin Lutyens; a showing of some very fascinating photographs mainly taken in India; and a raffle (which raised £300) with three prizes of recently published books, and a number of excellent photographic calendars. The Mastermind Quiz followed with six teams competing, the answers being supplied by showing a video of Stuart Martin successfully taking part in the relevant TV Mastermind programme. The ten members of the winning team each received a bottle of champagne (generously donated by Gavin Chappell).
It was a most enjoyable event and thanks are due to Paul Waite for his impeccable organisation, and also to Andrew Barnett, Richard Breese and Gavin Chappell for their invaluable contributions to the audiovisuals.