Online Webinars 2020-21

Hosted by the Lutyens Trust America

During lock-down, the Lutyens Trust in America has been hosting a series of fantastic webinars on all aspects of Lutyens’s work and life. The first featured around the Trust’s own house at Goddards, the second served as an introduction to Lutyens and his work, the third was on the largely unbuilt but nevertheless impressive Liverpool Cathedral, and the forth will be looking at the collaboration between Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll. And that’s not all, there are plenty more to come.

Whilst members will be notified by email as each new live webinar is scheduled, we thought that you’d like to know that you can also access all of the webinars (minus the Q&A section) shortly after their premiere on Zoom and at your leisure by visiting our Webinar Page or on The Lutyens Trust America’s YouTube Channel.

We hope that you enjoy watching them as much as LTA and LT have enjoyed putting them together.