Goddards – An Update
Members will know that the Trust owns Goddards, an early Lutyens house near Dorking in Surrey. It was let 15 years ago on a full repairing lease to The Landmark Trust, a charity devoted to the repair and maintenance of historic properties for the purpose of creating holiday lettings. The Lutyens Trust has a leaseback of the office and library.
Landmark has recently carried out extensive repainting of the exterior of the house and repaired the stone and brick work in the courtyard garden. Sadly, thieves have stolen the original wooden gates fronting the lane and this was particularly sad as they incorporated ingenious latches designed by Edwin Lutyens. The police and other authorities have been advised as have dealers and auctioneers who specialise in this kind work. Landmark have installed new replacement gates and have tried to follow the origin designs.
Landmark’s ability to maintain their historic buildings is dependant on regular letting income and any member wishing to stay at Goddards (it sleeps up to 12 people) should contact the lettings office at Landmark (01628 825925). We were pleased to have a visit from The Gamble House Group, enthusiasts for Gamble House in Pasadena in California. It is regarded as one of the finest Arts and Crafts buildings in the USA and was designed by Greene and Greene, two architect brothers born a year either side of Edwin Lutyens. The group had been to the UK before, visited Surrey and other buildings by Lutyens but this was their first time at Goddards. They were impressed with all that they saw and made a generous donation to the Trust.
Laurie Kinney