The Lutyens Trust Christmas Lunch
Saturday 2 December 2006
In honour of the founding of the Lutyens Trust at Brook House (now demolished) in Park Lane 21 years ago, the Christmas Lunch took place at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane. Charles Lutyens extended a warm welcome and recalled highlights of Trust activities during the year.
The lunch proved to be enjoyable and interesting where members, seated at circular tables, shared their experiences of Trust events during 2006. These were brought to life by a professional slide presentation of the visits and the Lutyens properties involved, given by the Trust’s Photographic and Archive Group.
Following a delicious meal, a competitive quiz was arranged between tables which challenged our knowledge of Lutyens’s work. It became very animated and we all learned from the enjoyable experience.
Thanks are due to Paul Waite and the Photographic and Archive Group for making this a memorable experience with which to end the Trust’s year.
Barry Sillince