Letters from Lutyens to Allaire Baker, Aged 5, Son of Herbert Baker
It is mail night at Raisina Hill. Lutyens and Baker are under pressure to complete designs for the New Delhi committee. Baker says he is stopping to write to his children in time to catch the mail. Lutyens says he will write to Baker’s children too… “Bear” is the nickname for Baker.
Raisina, Delhi, Jan 21, 1914
My Dear Alair,
Guess who this is from
Guess and then lift.
But what will interest you
most is about your
Brer Bear Father Boy
And the really amusing thing
is to see him and Goliath
mixed up. Now Goliath is
[page 2]
a great horse and he makes….
Your father look just
about your size,
but he goes like this…..
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We have no ….
this time which is a pity
but we have a …..
which makes a noise
like a ………. and
a………. and a ………
all mixed up together
[Page 4]
We are both becoming so
indian that we are just
beginning to look like this ……..
Now guess which is who?
Your father and your
affectionate Brer Uncle
E L Lutyens