Monday 11th May 2015 at 2:00pm
Built in 1896-9 by Sir Edwin Lutyens for Gerald Streatfield, extended by Lutyens, further extended to north in 1970’s by Roderick Gradidge with an internal swimming pool building in the traditional style and altered in 1980’s. With an arts and crafts exterior, and with Sir Edwin’s first classical interior, Ionic order piers and columns survive in the Great Hall and staircase bay. The grounds were originally laid out by Mrs Streatfield and Gertrude Jekyll and are now lovingly maintained by the current owners.
We have the opportunity for a short notice visit on Monday 11 May at 2pm. If you would like to visit the house and garden, it will be by your own transport and driving instructions will be given. Cost is £25, to include a £5 voluntary donation.
In the first instance please e-mail Paul Waite on pjdwaite@hotmail.com as soon as possible.