From Tyringham to Thiepval: Lutyens and the Great War
Lecture given by Tim Skelton and David Crellin
Monday 29 March 2004
Tim was up first with a chronological selection from the large personal photographic archive that he has been researching for a significant number of years, of various memorials. It was a fascinating cavalcade of the simultaneous simplicity and complexity of Sir Edwin’s designs in England. Even in his early days, the designs were pared back to their simplest geometry but with highly sophisticated shapes. Tim’shunt for truth was shared with the group as he displayed various works that were attributed to Sir Edwin but seemed very out of character plus several possible misattributions.
David concentrated on the War Memorials in France and Belgium where there was the additional fascination of the created environment around these highly refined structures. In England, most of the monuments were placed in strategic sensitive locations in villages, such as crossroads or village greens, but the War Graves Commission often offered Sir Edwin the additional possibility of creating the surrounding environment, greatly to the benefit of his central monument.
Our thanks go to both Tim and David but importantly to John Entwisle and Reuters for providing the venue and a superb buffet with our drinks.